Sunday, October 10, 2010

How can one with asthma and allergies protect themselves from dust and other air pollutants?

Not long ago, I tried Better Breathers because I was looking for something to help keep dust and other air pollutants out of my nose when breathing because I have asthma and my doctor recommended to me to wear a face mask while I am cleaning.

The Better Breathers were ok, but I personally prefer to wear a full mouth and nose repirator mask because the Better Breathers that I had tried were a little uncomfortable for me. I also found it much easier for me to wear the N-95 Respirator Masks. Plus, the N-95 Respirator Masks are approved by NIOSHA and the CDC recommended them. In my product review, I learned that the Better Breathers are not approved by the CDC or by NIOSHA.

The main thing that I was looking for was a face mask that I could wear all day long that was comfortable and not hard to wear. The N-95 Respirator Masks are great to wear when one is cleaning in order to keep the dust out of their lungs and other pollutants, but the N-95 Respirator Masks face masks were way to hot for me to wear for a long period of time other than when I am cleaning house.

A lady whose mom has asthma told me that her mom wears a silk mask all day long and that the silk mask does not get as hot as the thicker masks do, so I plan on buying some silk masks soon just to try them out and see how well it works when one is wanting to wear a face mask for a much longer period of time than just cleaning.

So whether you are looking for a respirator face mask to wear all day long or a respirator face mask to just clean with, I highly recommend that you check out the repirator face masks at Achoo Allergy and at National Allergy. They have a very wide selection to choose from.

Achoo Allergy and National Allergy are the 2 companies that my asthma doctor highly recommended to me and to all of her patients who have asthma and allergies. Just remember that the silk masks are better to use if you want to wear a mask all day long and the N-95 Respirator Mask is only best for one to use when they are cleaning.

I hope that you have enjoyed my product review on the many different types of respirator face masks that one can wear when they are cleaning or when they want to wear a mask for a longer period of time.

As required by the FTC:
I received product samples in order to write my product review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed on this product review are mine and mine alone.

I am not a health care physician. I am expressing my own opinion and only speaking about how salt lamps have helped to relieve my symptoms from severe asthma and a stuffy nose. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider before trying any alternative holistic health treatments and never stop taking your prescription medication without the approval from your doctor.

If you would like for me to do a product review on your product, book, or service just like I have done for the Himalayan Salt Shop--please check out my Public Relations Page for all of the details.

Sincerely yours,
Tonya Becker-Haddadeen
CEO of

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