

With this affiliate program, you will get $100 in annual banner advertising for FREE just for promoting the 3 sites listed below each month! Your banner will be placed on this blog and also on 1 of the HOTTEST Promotion Sites at just for participating!

*To qualify to have your banner placed on this blog and also on for FREE each month, you will need to do the following each month which will take only a few minutes if you do it all on the same day.

*Plus, I will provide you with the Facebook and Twitter posts already written up for you! So, all you have to do is COPY and PASTE the posts onto your Facebook and Twitter! It is that easy! Simply, by doing the following:

1) Promote this blog at each month only 1 time on your Personal Facebook Page, 1 time on your Twitter, and 1 time on your Facebook Fan Page!
2) Promote each month only 1 time on your Personal Facebook Page, 1 time on your Twitter, and 1 time on your Facebook Fan Page!
3) Promote each month only 1 time on your Personal Facebook Page, 1 time on your Twitter, and 1 time on your Facebook Fan Page!

*You are allowed to do all the 9 promotions at anytime during the month. Not bad for $100 in FREE annual banner advertising! You can cancel at anytime by contacting me at

*Links sent out can be checked on search engines, but I will not be avidly checking for the links because I simply do not have the time. So, anyone who signs up for my FREE Affiliate Program--I am trusting in you to pull through with your end of the bargain. =) So, let's help each other by promoting each other! =)

*To sign up, please contact me at and I will email you a list of Facebook and Twitter Posts that you can post in order to get your banner posted for FREE on the 2 sites!

*Please note that this affiliate program can be changed or cancelled at any time and affiliates will be notified of any changes or cancellations via email.